Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Do you love the Dentist as much as me??

So - I went to the dentist today. I really don't like the dentist. I always stress out a lot before I go....I was extra worried today though b/c I've had some sinus headaches and my ears hurt sometimes (from swimming) and sometimes I can't tell if it's my teeth or just my ears/sinuses.

Anyway - no cavities (YAY!). But he did inform me that it was his opinion that my tonsils were enlarged and should be fact should have been when I was little b/c it's obvious they've had tons of infections etc. I do get sore throats a lot. Well apprently when you get your tonsils out as and older person (meaning less than 16ish) it really really really hurts. Like you have to take a week off work to get better! HUH??? So I called my mom to blame her since she was around when I was little. She said my family doctor really wanted my tonsils out, but he referred my mom to an Ear nose and throat specialist and back then, you had to have documented cases of infections. And for the first time in my 5 or 6 years of life - I didn't get sick once that whole year!!! WHAT?? So he refused to take them out and I guess I was forgotten after that. So now I have to decide what to do. On the one hand, I think getting them out would help a lot b/c I do get sore throats a bunch. On the other hand, I've never had surgery except my wisdom teeth and I've never been to the hospital except to visit. I get sick when I get put under (at least from my wisdom teeth experience) and I really don't like being in pain. So I could avoid the issue (I'm really good at avoiding) or I could schedule an appt and just see. But see I hate doctors as much as dentists. I never go unless I absolutely have to - and that isn't very often. I just don't get sick (except the little things, and other than getting ear drops, I usually ignore anything else like sore throats etc.)
So...that's my dentist story...and I'm sticking to it. or not. i really hope not.

1 comment:

tami said...

Hey! Focus on the bright side--no cavities! :)