Another couple weeks in Texas and lots of Mikayla-isms to be had. I was singing a hymn in church and I leaned over to say "Peace be still"...after the song was over, I asked her if she liked that song. "No", she said. "Why?" I asked. "Because it's PLEASE be still, not PEAS be still. Peas are never still!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
So we went biking for hours in the morning. It was quite a challenge to stay between speedy Savannah and cute little Mikayla with her legs spinning fast on the bike one second and hoping off the bike to pick flowers the next. But we stayed out for a long time...they love biking.
Savannah...waiting at the sign...this happened a lot!
Mikayla just peddling away
Lookin' good!
We followed the fun with a nice long picnic at the park - with dogs, ducks and (luckily) potties...something I'm discovering more and more that you have to think about with little kids.
Melissa and I at the picnic
Yeah - it was hot. Looks hot. lol
Savannah with all the water bottles. Did I mention that it was hot?
It's funny that in Utah it seems to never be really warm. It's really hot here. I thought I'd appreciate the cool air, but after heading to Chicago last week...I think not.
Savannah is getting really good at reading and she showed us all by her excellent reading of the scriptures
Afterward, we did some balloon art. This is Melissa's papillon:
This is ha!
This weekend the kids were at my hosue for a few days while Melissa and Grant had some alone time. It was really fun, and the Call kids spent some quality time in my apartment with them.
Obviously...Quality time...
Katie somehow talked Savannah into letting her curl her hair - isn't it cute?
Texas has been such a fun experience. I've loved pretty much every moment here. Well - most of them. Now next week will be the absolute best - the entire family is coming down!!