Christmas week was just one huge celebration. Beginning with Melissa and the girls coming come, sledding, the Bethelehem dinner, then the Extended family party then I GOT OFF WORK, Christmas eve celebrations and Christmas Day craziness. I'll try to remember the best of the best.
Curtis and Matthew took on a huge challenge - 6 KIDS!!! Mom and I met them just as they were about done, and ended up piling the 4 youngest in my car with the heater on while Savannah and Natalie continued going because (as they claimed) "we're HOT!"
Helping Savannah up the hill...that girl can NOT walk in snow. I'll include a video a little later if I can figure out how!
Bama...I'm COLD
Freezing little kids. Mikayla said her fingers were cold and Robert informed us his toes were "feezing"
Sunday's Bethlehem dinnr is the time when we try to step away from the chaos of Christmas and really remember why we celebrate. Natalie and Savannah slept over at my house and went to church with me. Afterwards, we came home and prepared to partake of our humble dinner. Instead, we had a slightly mid-eastern feast. Over the years we've had so many ideas of what we wanted to eat, and it's expanded to the point that I believe our dinner was 5 times larger than our traditional Christmas Eve dinner. But it was a lot of fun. We had lots of food and some good spiritual moments where we were able to share our feelings about the true meaning of Christmas.
Bethlehem dinner
The Nativity starring Emmy as Mary and Mikayla as Joseph. I think Isabella is an angel.
Savannah pretty much summed up this night. She told Natalie "last night was our Bethlehm dinner and tonight is CRAZY dinner". Our family has grown and grown and we barely fit anywhere now. So many kids, so much noise and one big Surprise...SANTA and MRS. CLAUS showed up at the end. After a special visit with Cayden and I, they went downstairs to visit with everyone, sing Christmas songs and give out gifts.
Christmas Even was small this year at our house, but the traditional Stroganoff and Nativity went over better than ever in my opinion. With Wise women, wise puppies, grumpy angels and a really young Mary, I thought it was just about perfect.
Mary and Joseph...a bit of an age difference...but it didn't seem to matter to Mary!
The Shepherd was sore afraid...I would have been too - Savannah was one grumpy angel!
Wise Melissa, Wise Grandma and Wise Puppy!
yeah - she's a princess through and through. Are these seriously pajamas??
Snugglebums from Grandma and Grandpa
Christmas started off with Savannah and Mikayla opening Santa gifts, then a little gift giving around the upstairs tree.
My BYU golf towel from Matthew. Here's to wishing for a more perfect season in 2009!
Fighting for presents. I think I was after her gum...
Mid-morning everyone came for brunch, then we headed downstairs to open the very many presents we had for all the kids and each other.
Eating was the best way to make this kid happy. I think he was too excited to sleep
New clothes from Melissa!
Isabella's favorite present
More cute clothes from Melissa. And Savannah's blue streak's compliments of Santa!
Total Chaos
My girls (and puppy-nephew)!
Christmas is always topped off with a delicious dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's house...with a lot of crazy stuff in between.
Hiding in Great Grandma's toy box
Mom and Dad
The hot tub was the perfect way to top off a blizzardy Christmas night. Yes that's a snowball (made of hair and snow) on top of my head. Yes it was nice and warm while we were in, and was FREEZING when we got out. In Braxton's words..."BRRRRR"