Sunday, December 7, 2008

An Imperfectly Perfect Day

Dinner with family is always an adventure. This time, I wasn't even sure who was going to come until late last night. And I decided to make chicken enchiladas. For those of you who don't cook a ton - when you're buying chiles and enchilada sauce, there are different grades of "hotness". No - I don't mean some of them are more beautifuler...there are actually different levels of heat- and I ended up with "burn your tongue and throat the whole way down" fire roasted chilis - and "finish it off with a stomach on fire" enchilada sauce. Of course I was totally unaware until I actually had opened the can and put them in. So I decided to invent my own "mild" enchiladas which didn't have anything enchilada-ee in them at really they were "stuff in a tortilla". I think the kids much prefered those to burning their mouths though (and so did mom). But dinner got made and people came over. We played games while entertaining the kids with about every game and every tv I own. Isabella was her usual charming self and Robert made sure to flirt with Kelly (and hide in her room...and play with all her stuff...yeah - sorry Kelly).

I love this time of year - the family, the presents under the tree, the get-togethers, and even the shopping (ok - I always love shopping). And even though I had to stay up late wrapping so the kids wouldn't find their presents, and even though I thought for a bit that they might actually try to unwrap them when they found theirs under the tree, and even though Isabella refuses to go down the stairs backwards and has the entire family screaming "STOP" every time she comes near the was a great night. One of those perfect evenings where it wasn't even perfect but it felt that way anyway, for no reason in particlar...just because it was.

Game time


Marissa Marie said...

It's so fun that you can host the family now, huh? We love the Sunday dinners where we are the hosts. Jaxon hasn't figured out how to go down the stairs either, but he sure can go up in a jiffy! And he likes to lick the stair rails. Ew.

Unknown said...

Your mother says that yu should be a writer. I agree. I would read your book, too. Anyway, consider us your fond admirers.
Love Dad

tami said...

Kimi, even when I'm at the same gathering you are, when you write about them they sound even better!! (Did that make sense?!?)
It was a good night and we had a lot of fun-as usual. Thanks for the invite and for the delicious non-enchiladas! You're a great cook! Love Ya