Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Nature Scavenger Hunt

Last night Melissa and I decided to take the 4 girls - Natalie, Savannah, Emily and Mikayla out for a nature scavenger hunt. After Natalie and Savannah ended up scootering for over 12 miles on the Legacy Parkway, I don't think they were too eager for me to take them on a long walk. So we stuck close in the neighborhood, but it was nice to enjoy the sunshine and see some pretty things. This blog post is for them so they can see their pics and remember all the fun things we saw. Above is the single dandelion we saw. Amazing considering 3 weeks ago half the lawns in the neighborhood were dandelions. And for anyone who has seen my lawn and can't believe this is the only dandelion they saw - well my yard was totally off limits for the entire scavenger hunt.

They found different man-made signs:

These are their "something beautifuls":

Feather was on the list - but we couldn't find one. So Melissa suggested we settle for this "feather-like" plant. I guess it works!

They each had to find a pet that wasn't their own. Emily and Mikayla found an exotic cat. Savannah and Natalie chose 3 giant dogs that barked a lot and I told them not to go near them. Yes - I'm a wuss.

They each chose something that made a loud noise. Natalie and Savannah stuck to nature - they pounded small rocks on a giant rock and it was definitely noisy. The little girls chose a car. Not exactly natural, but loud I guess!

When they got to something scary, Natalie and Savannah chose a creepy looking dog in the window. Emily and Kayla went with a purple tree...not really sure why that was scary, but they insisted that it was!

The creativity really came out when it was time to find bark from a tree. Or...yeah...maybe not so much creative, as Done. This was near the end of our hunt.

Finding a hole a rabbit could live in was almost no challenge for my geniuses. Savannah and Natalie combined their rabbit hole with something that smelled good. Mikayla and Emily tried to stick themselves in the hole. Didn't quite fit!

They all found different pink flowers - I wouldn't let them use my pink tulips. Emmy insisted that it be ONE pink flower (that's how it was written on their paper). The older girls weren't quite as picky.

They had to find a tree that had more than 5 branches. The girls found a good one!

The girls each found sticks that were as long as their arm. Strangely enough, that took awhile. Again, if they could have used my yard, they'd have been all set. There are plenty of sticks at my house!

All done - each of the items were signed off. I have pics of everything, but this blog post is long enough. Some not pictured - ants, insects, rocks the size of their palm, something blue, litter, was a very long list. Thanks girls - it was a blast hanging out with you guys!


Marissa Marie said...

Cute idea! I'm gonna do that with my boys...someday, when they understand what nature is...

tami said...

What a fun idea! I have done a nature scavenger hunt with a couple of the girls, but nothing as fun as yours!
Aren't they super to hang out with?!?