Sunday, November 9, 2008

Cayden is HOME (and other important things)

So this week has been an adventure. I've traveled to Louisville KY for work, I went to the BYU game (that we won - thank goodness!!) and i did my first triathalon (for the first time EVER). But my favorite part of the week was an awesome picture message of Cayden with the message "I'm coming home". I got it during the BYU game so I couldn't rush on over, but today I finally got to spend some time with him. Of course, Braxton is the one that really appreciates the playmate, and we had tons of fun. But I'm just so happy that Cayden was healthy enough to come home and he is so little and adorable. I wish I had some better pics of Braxton from today, but he wasn't really cooperating and most of the ones I took turned out as a blur as he ran from one end of the house to the other trying to make sure he played with every toy he owned.

Cayden with his favorite Aunt!

Cayden with his favorite uncle. (I hope anyway - Braxton might still be mad about getting knocked on the head with the bball!)

My buddy Braxton!


Kelly said...

That's so exciting that Cayden is home. That is a very imortant thing. Wait, what does imortant mean?

tami said...

Aahhh--such cuties! Don't we have so much to be grateful for? We love our tiny Cayden and we're so glad he's healthy! Thanks, Kimi for keeping so many current photos up for us to all enjoy!

Kiwa Nana or Papa said...

Wow Kimi, billiant blog. Hope you don't mind that your mummy shared it with me. I loved looking at all Tami's favorites. Cheers from down under the down under. Miriam Langford

Rustin & Kelsi said...

OK, so you kind of brushed over the fact that you did a triathalon!!! That is so cool. What one? How was it?