Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Welcome Home NICU babies

So Cayden was in the NICU with a little friend of his...well at least their parents are friends! And when mom and I were dropping off Braxton, they came over for a little dinner party - and Easton and Cayden were able to meet again. I'm sure they really cared! But we did! We thought Easton would make Cayden look big since Cayden was about 5 lbs 7oz and Easton was (I think) around 3 lbs 11 ozs. Anyway - these pics don't really help b/c Easton is in the front so they look about the same size. Cayden didn't look monstrous, but he is bigger. Easton is so tiny it's hard to believe he's home! But I guess after 6 or 7 weeks his parents were too excited to bring him home and just didn't want to leave him there anymore.

Every time I take Cayden's blanket bundle off, his hands pop straight over his head,or on his head, or on his face. And he starts squirming and making faces

But you have to admit that his curly hair is going to just be a ladykiller when he grows up. Unless he follows his dad...Curly Curt - when did you start cutting your hair too short to see the curls? hahahahaha

1 comment:

tami said...

Aren't they cute, little, itty bitties? Thanks for sharing!