Monday, April 13, 2009

I know - I know - It's been forever

So - I live in Texas now. Yeah - I know - a lot has changed since my last post where I was visiting Texas and had absolutely ZERO thought that I would ever be writing those words. I don't really want to get into the whole story...anyone who reads this knows it all by now anyway. But to sum up - I had about 2 weeks notice and I was here. I am living in an apartment within my boss's house, and I'm here for a few months to see how i like it. Don't ask me how I like it because to be honest, I haven't given it a ton of thought. Things have been super busy and it hasn't slowed down yet since I got here. I'm going on a cruise for my Bday (yay me!) and after that, maybe...just maybe...I'll have some down time to really evaluate!

For now, I just want to say that Melissa and her family being here has saved my sanity. And frankly, my job, as I'm pretty sure I never would have ventured to Texas without her being here. And then I'd be stuck looking for a job. Sometimes I miss home and my house and my friends and the family a lot and I really want to go back even without a job. But this has been a good experience so far, and with Melissa and the girls so close, I'm actually really enjoying myself.

1 comment:

tami said...

What a blessing it is for you to have Melissa there...and what a blessing for Melissa and family to have YOU there!
We love you all!!