Friday, July 17, 2009

I figured out my camera!

OK - you can call me an idiot...

Apparently you need a special cord to plug in my camera to my mac mini...unlike my PC that you can just insert the little card thingy. So here we go - I'm actually giving you pictures while I'm on the Mac. Nice....

So I don't have pictures of our 5K - you'll have to ask Melissa to see those since Grant had time to run back to the car and get his camera. I, on the other hand, was carrying Mikayla and had zero energy left to run to the finish, run to the car, grab my camera (which I think I forgot anyway) run back to the finish line and take a picture. But just for those of you who didn't hear the's a brief version.

Mikayla started off running - her little legs churning so fast! She made it a few hundred yards maybe - and then stopped and said "I don't care if I win or not." Then about a mile and or so in, she decided she needed to be carried. Then when we got in and she won her prize "participant" ribbon, she said "they gave this to me for winning. And because I'm so FAST!!"

Riiiiight..... I think my face looked like Savannah's below. Ha!

So - after changing,the girls looked very 4th of July-ish. Mom would have been so proud! We went to a movie because it was just too hot to be outside. Then that evening (while I have to say, it was still too hot to be outside, we went to a carnival up on post.

Mikayla riding her horse "Brownie"

Mikayla in the Fun House. Melissa was with Savannah in line for another ride for quite awhile so Mikayla and I explored several fun houses.

Hanging out waiting for the was finally starting to cool off. We waited in a 45 min. concessions line to get a couple lemonades. It was so SO hot!


Marissa Marie said...

I think your nieces are looking more and more like you.

tami said...

Wow! What a memorable Independence Day! The girls are truly adorable and YES--I AM VERY PROUD!!

You look beautiful, kiddo! I'm so glad that the girls and Melissa have you close by...and don't feel bad about not spending the day with us-we were pretty duddy this year :).

By the way, your blog is always fun, but this is my favorite look!
Love Ya!